Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Four Things

A friend of mine thought I should post this.

1. Four jobs that I have had in my life:

- Farm Hand
- Cabinet Maker
- Security Officer
- Truck Driver

2. Four Movies I would/have watch(ed) over and over:

- The Edge
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Into The Wild
- Tommy Boy

3. Four places I have lived:

- Fontana, CA
- Centuria, WI
- Denali Park, AK
- Mammoth Lakes, CA

4. Four TV shows that I watch:

- Inside the NFL
- Real Time with Bill Maher
- MythBusters
- The Big Idea

5. Four places I have visited:

- Brazil
- Bahamas
- Denali National Park
- Desolation Wilderness

6. Four people who email me regularly:

- Darla
- Cathy
- Gnomo
- Camila

7. Four of my favorite foods:

- My Mother's Lasagna
- BBQ from Rio Grande do Sul
- Fettucini Alfredo
- Cocinha de galinha

8. Four places I would like to be right now:

- Vicosa, Minas Gerais
- Veranopolis, Rio Grande do Sul
- Denali Park
- Manassas

9. Four things I'm looking forward to this year:

- Family Reunions
- Getting to hold my new Niece or Nephew
- Going to Tanzania
- Going to school

10. Four people who should post 4 things:

Anyone who feels up to it.

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

What an awesome friend for giving you such an easy post! :-) Hope you're doing well.