Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time sure does fly

There is no real excuse for me not blogging more often. I am just busy I guess.

Anyway, this summer has been great. Hanging out with friends (when I can make time), family visiting, friends getting married, a few parties, camping, and not so great, work.

Work has consumed me. Now that the season is soon to be over I must think about this winter. I have no idea what I am going to do this winter. Waiting for inspiration I guess.

I will be flying to Washington, dc Oct. 2 to check out a school. Thursday night I am hoping to meet up with a friend for dinner or drinks. Friday go check out the school. Saturday sometime meetup with a friend I grew up with. That leaves a lot of open time so I will have to improvize. I will be renting a car so I could end up anywhere I guess.

I leave Minneapolis at 1:58p, a layover in Penn I think, then arrive at Reagan National at 7:54p.
What a friend pointed out as stupidity is the fact that I am leaving at 6:05 AM Sunday. I may have to change that. We'll see I guess.

I'd love to write more but I am hungry and in need of a shower.