Thursday, July 31, 2008

I have been tagged

A friend of mine has tagged me. Read on to see what I am talking about.

* What was I doing ten years ago?

Let's see.... Summer of '98... My brother Justin and I spent the summer in Grass Valley (Northern CA) at my cousins ranch. One of my most memorable times of my life. We took a Greyhound bus out there and back. We swore we would never ride a bus again (we eventually did). Great summer.

* What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:

Go online and check email and related things
Find a flight to DC (not sure if I should book it yet)
Fix wiring problem on my truck (work related sorry)
Return Chain hoist to friend (kinda work related)
Call Brazilian friend in Texas if I can find his number

* Five Snacks I Enjoy:

Sunflower seeds
Cheez-it crackers
Graham crackers and a glass of milk
Seedless grapes

* Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Give half of my money to my Family
Buy a plane and get my pilots license
Build a kickass house
Travel like there's no tomorrow
Invest in something so I never have to work again

* Places I have lived:

Fontana, CA
Balsam Lake & Centuria, WI
Denali Park, AK
Mammoth Lakes, CA
Milltown, WI

* Jobs I have had:

Lawn care technician (I mowed lawns with my brother for a few years when I was 11)
Store clerk at my friend's dad's store (13 years old)
Farm hand at a local dairy farm (15 years old for almost four years)
Cabinet-maker (I made mall kiosks for verizon wireless and I was a shipping supervisor after a while)
Laborer at a tree farm (I loved working for Greg. When I gave him my notice he offered me $13 dollars an hour to stay. I'm an idiot.)
Butcher (another favorite employer)
Security Officer in Alaska (Best time of my life)
Bus Driver in Mammoth (more good times)
Forktruck driver at a cold storage place

There are more but it has taken me too long to finish this thing.